Saturday, April 7, 2007


Not only is this blog under my construction but my whole life is as well. I need one of those orange signs on my back lol. Its like, Please excuse the mess, Im working on it!

I am seriously still investigating this pilates. The more I read the book, the more into it I get. I would really like to try doing a pilates video for beginners or even a yoga video. Reader, I have so many exercise videos though, its honestly a waste of money to purchase another. So maybe now I'll just follow what the book tells me and when I am ready I will purchase a video as a treat. Notice that I said "when" and not "if."

So I havent lost any weight but guess what, I am not pigging out either. Though I must admit, its because I no longer have the money to spend on my binges. My unemployment was cut off and I have about $11 lol and I REFUSE to spend it on chips and dip and candy and all that crap that my body doesnt need. I swear, that crap is slowly killing me. Sometimes I can hear it slowly singing that "Killing me softly." song. Its funny.

Ok so today I had to go get my TB test read. I scoped around the hospital and I am happy to report that I found a bike rack. I plan on riding the bike to work as often as I can. Itll take about 20 minutes versus approx 3 in the car. What Im left with is how to keep from getting sweaty and all ugly at work you know? Its not a professional job or anything, because Ive seen what the other people wear, but still, I would like to look as professional as possible. Maybe bring a change of clothes? If you have any suggestions, let me know as they would be greatly appreciated.

Im nervous about my new job to be honest. The boss seems like she will be hard to work for. Im worried she will think I am stupid or something but at the same time, its new and interesting and hopefully I can do my best and she will appreciate it. She told me on my interview she hopes to move me to medical billing as soon as possible which means a pay raise, which will be good. I just have to start this pilates thing ASAP or go walking before work or SOMETHING because exercise makes me more confident in myself.

Ok, Im off like a prom dress. Hope you guys have a happy Easter. :)~ Easy on the chocolate!


Anonymous said...

Since the blog is under construction, may I just say that the hot pink background is VERY hard to read! It makes my eyes feel like they are going to pop out of my head. Just something to keep in mind... :)

Do you ever go to second-hand stores? I do (all the time) and I've seen many Pilates DVDs and VHS tapes in there for $1. Not bad. You might check it out anyway.

I think you have many things set up in your life that will lead to a LOT of increased confidence. Good for you! It will all fall into place; I just know it.

Happy Easter, dear!

Unknown said...

I love the idea of biking to work! I wonder if I could do that someday too. I would recommend having a work wardrobe of pants you can bike in, and then wear a teeshirt. When you get to work, change just your shirt. That takes 2 seconds and you'll feel entirely fresh. Also, those Pond's face clothes are great for a quick after-workout wipedown. So keep some at work. Shoes, luckily, don't matter when you bike so those aren't a problem either. I am inspired! I wonder if I could bike from the Westside to work...

Tigerlilly said...

I just got a job at a hospital too!! But I will be working in Labor and Delivery, helping the moms pre and post delivery. I wish I could ride my bike to work, but its in the next town over.. and that would be a hard ride!!

I would suggest taking a small backpack with a change of clothes. Go a little bit early so that your body has a chance to cool off before having to just hop right into working.

Love the new blog.. and if you find one of those orange signs to hang on your back.. will you send me one? LOL

Have a great week!