Thursday, June 7, 2007

Xflowsion xplosion.

I know that salad dressing is really bad for you but I dont care. If Im going to give up my french fries and chicken fingers with honey bbq sauce, you better serve that salad up with some 1000 island dressing. Ive learned that if I cut my calories down enough, I can have this salad. MMM and I enjoy every minute of it. My aunt once lectured me on dressing and I usually listen to what she says but there is no way she could convince me to give that up. I'll give you my chips and dip and brownies but I cannot give you my 1000 island dressing topped pretty salad, ma'am.

I am currently researching the videos Xflowsion. They are quite pricey though. I mean, 3 "easy" installments on $19.95 plus S&H and thats about $50 on ebay as well. If any of you out there have tried them, please let me know. If not, maybe I can be the guinea pig for you as well. Tee hee. Its got a catchy informational section though, and all the celebs seem to swear by it(really how realistic is that? " Xflowsion is the only workout system with Triple Training whichcombines the perfect blend of an exciting styleof yoga, body-shredding martial arts, anduplifting freestyle dance. Xflowsion’s TripleTraining can deliver jaw-dropping results ina stunningly short amount of time,regardless of your fitness level."

Also, my boyfriend lost 6 pounds in 1 week!! He has been doing awesome. No fast food, and no processed foods, really, and exercising EvErY day! I am so proud of him. He let himself eat cornbread today, even though I was trying to talk him out of it, you know, as I chomped down on my oh so healthy salad. ;)

WARNING:This next part is kind of...graphic maybe? I dont know. If you get offended easily, stop reading here. Go take that hot bath and read that good novel youve been thinking about reading. Go horseback riding. Or go have some sex.


I had tonight. No seriously. I was so self conscious, yet extremely free at the same time. It was kind of funny, because my boyfriend and I were just making out at first and I said, Ok, if we go further, I am going to be uninhibited...I am NOT going to be self conscious about my body. And then my pants started to come off and I realized I was wearing, well, Reader, I was wearing granny panties. There you have it, the only thing about me that is a size 10 right now is my granny panties and that does NOT make me feel sexy.(even though they are so cute and sooo comfy, but come on! Go to walmart and check out the size 10's, open a pack if you have to and tell me you wouldnt be embarrassed about it!) And its so embarrasing because to take the panties off, it causes a bit of delay which may or may not kill the mood, but the delay is that now if youre lying on your stomach, you have to somehow make your panties take the trip over your stomach to get them off of you. This brings a whole lot of unwanted attention to the stomach and thigh and of course the embarrassing panties area. It kind of made me chuckle a little bit, but then the kisses started going elsewhere and I could hear my thoughts racing in my head..."Enjoy it! Be happy you have a boyfriend that thinks youre beautiful no matter what..." and then the other half..."Oh this gut!" and "Ew, I have a zit! Does he notice that sound is actually my fat?"(Its a horrible sound, my fat stomach slapping against his! LOL) and then the, "If he DOES notice, does it turn him on? Ew, if it does, do I really want to be with someone like this?!" The sex was still great though, despite all the voices in my head. I can only wonder what HE was thinking though. LOL

Fat sex! This should be my number one motivation to lose weight. Be healthy.