Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Blog it out!

I somewhat like the show on HBO called Entourage, mainly because of Jeremy Pivens character whos always asking the other characters if they want to "hug it out." Now when one of my friends has an issue Im like, "Blog it out." LOL. I dont know, I guess I feel such a release when I write, I figure it has to be that way for everyone.

I was thinking earlier today, ok, and I've thought about it allot in the past too about how much money I have spent on diet/exercise related products. Its really ridiculous. That money could have went towards a damn pony. I mean...for as much as people make fun of fat people, I think they should be on their knees thanking us, because if it werent for us, all the fast food restaurants would close and no one would buy their products. Maybe thats a shitty way to think, but still. Right now, in this room with me is one proform elliptical machine, one bicycle, one Firm fanny lifter, 2 sets of 5 lbs weights, one set of 8 lbs weights and an exercise ball, a bottle of diet pills and about 10 workout videos as well as the Biggest Loser cookbook. Total that up. Its a wonder Im fat. Buying these things always had false hope attached to them. Each time one was bought, Id tell myself "Ok, this is it. Im not going to be fat anymore." And maybe I'd use the item a couple of times, but no matter what I always seemed to stop for a long period of time. Before the elliptical arrived, I would let myself eat whatever, whenever because I figured once I had the elliptical here, the binges would stop, like all of a sudden I wouldnt need the food. I was always in "I'll start tomorrow" mode.

I worked out hard today. Exercise, I've decided is key to losing the weight. I have started an exercise log for myself. I did 30 minutes on the elliptical, and then about 20 minutes of an upper body weight training video. The Firm. Those videos kick my ASS but they work, so I am determined to stick with them. When I was losing weight last time, I did a rotation of the Firm and the Core Secret videos, and I was able to do them in one hour. Today, I had split the video up. Sigh. Im actually trying to talk myself into doing the Core Secret video now. 43 minutes. LOL Tigerlilly, how do you do this? Im so exhausted already. Oh, but I do like the feeling that exercise brings with it. MMMMM, endorphins.

The Firm video was making me laugh a little because on this one scene you have to lay your stomach "flat on the fanny lifter." I was like, "Lady if I could lay my stomach flat, I wouldnt be here."

Tomorrow, Im going to start taking multi vitamins. I dont know if theyll help me or not, I just know that I lack vitamins, Im not expecting a miracle. Thought a miracle would be nice, wouldnt it?