Monday, June 11, 2007

Ranting and raving.

Wow. I just worked off 300+ calories on my elliptical. I feel awesome. I love how mentally good I feel when I exercise. Plus, I had an egg for breakfast. Eggs and toast and apple juice to be exact but thats better than eggos with syrup and butter you know?

I just have a comment or two. You know before you begin a diet or any work out program they always tell you to consult a physician first? I think thats bullshiz because I dont know about you, but most physicians today are a-holes towards the people on the higher end of the scale. Its almost a waste of time to see a doctor at all because chances are you will get treated nasty by them and their staff and go home feeling like you DO need those chips and french onion dip after all. It makes me sick. The last doctor I went to had a smile on his mouth but sarcasm in his eyes. I didnt appreciate it at all. And he wanted to do a physical on me, but there is no way I would ever let a male doctor do a physical on me. The nicest and most intelligent doctor I've ever had was Dr Derosa in Canfield, Ohio. He was awesome. You have to get to know him a little but he doesnt come across as mocking or anything, he wants to help.

Also, people, get your thyroids checked. Always.


Unknown said...

Sorry I've been MIA for a while. I was out of town! I'm glad to see you are making little changes, like eating salad with dressing instead of fried chicken and fried fries... I am inspired to make a little change too. That how you make a big difference!

Tigerlilly said...

Its amazing how fast you forget how good it feels to break a sweat! HUH... Thats why its good to remind yourself everyday!

Hope you have a great day and we'll see you soon!

Chris H said...

Ah doctors! I must have been lucky, I have only come across one doctor who made me feel gross about my weight, and I didn't stay with him long after he made a nasty derogatory comment about my weight.