Thursday, May 24, 2007


They say the second you stop smoking, you start adding years to your life. Well, I dont know if the same goes for when you stop eating like crap but it feels like it. I feel better and its only been 5 days. Now when I go to sleep, I am not fighting for my next breath, and when I get up, I am not having trouble getting out of bed. Thats neat.

I have already lost 2 pounds. Thats awesome for me. Im too tired to really let it sink in though lol. Today is turning into a bleak day, and its not even 10am. I dont know. I'll write more later if I can. Im working until 8 and not even in the E.R.


Naturally Blessed said...

well i just "hopped" here and have only ready this post...know nothing about you aside from the fact that you've lost 2 lbs..

and to that i say...


lets throw a party!!! 2 lbs not on your azz is an awesome acomplishment....i just started as well...i worked out 2x last week, none this far...but i have intentions for tonite...this is what i get for waiting for LR to get off work..he gets there late and i am tired by the time he gtes there...tonite i ditch him.

this may not be my only comment...gonna scroll thru and see what else is up here.....

Chris H said...

Cool isn't it how just a few days of good eating can impact on our feeling? Keep it up, imagine how bloody awesome you will feel in a week, a month, etc? !!!

Amazon Alanna said...

I know exactly how you feel when you're talking about how crummy it can make you feel when you're not eating the right way. I just jumped back on the wagon myself!