Monday, May 21, 2007

A long, short day.

Hello again, bloggers!

I am back to report that day two of my "Size 10 or die" lifestyle change is a success. I still have to go walking later, but once again Im waiting because my feet hurt like no ones business. I brought the same stuff to work today only I found myself not eating the banana and just munchin on cashews the whole day. It helped. My favorite part was coming home and not being starving, but hungry, and after choosing a dinner and letting it cook for a half an hour while I did the dishes, I didnt snack. I wasnt STARVING. lol I was hungry enough to know that I should eat something soon, but not hungry enough to eat everything in sight PLUS my meal you know? Its stuff works.

Lately, I just keep thinking about life. LIFE. Working in the E.R. you see allot of stuff. Today a woman lost her mother, and she was crying so hard it was hard for me not to. To me and my co-workers, she was a patient, but to this woman she was so much more, whether they had a good relationship or a bad one, she was someone who was loved and going to be missed. It just strikes me that life is here to be lived and can be taken away from me at any time, and it wont have mattered how fat or skinny I was on earth. Sometimes I think Im chasing the wrong goals.

I purchased a book called "YOU ON A DIET." Now, usually, I hate these types of books. I feel like the easy way to lose weight is by eating a healthy diet and exercing(but I still feel that its easier said than done!) The reason I purchased this book is because the author is that guy, Dr Oz or something and he just has neat, interesting things to say about the body. I know how I get when I find out what something does to my body, I stop with that food.(Which is why I think I dont like to know, tee hee.) Its high time I find out what the crap I like to eat is doing internally. So after reading reviews on Amazon, I decided to buy it on and I should be getting it any day now. I'll let you know how it is.

Yesterday, while I was walking, I had so many revelations. One, about my food addiction. It was funny to, because I told myself, "Its JUST food." And that kind of helped and it made me chuckle.

My ring finger is the only thing on me that is a size 9 and that is a bad, bad thing. LOL. But I love it so much, and when I get to my goal, I plan on putting it on a necklace so that I can remember this part of my life.

Ok, Im going to go chill for awhile. :)

1 comment:

Naturally Blessed said... finger is a 9 too...and eys thats the samllest part of me...sigh.

i myself am on a quest to be a size me its attainable...i do not strive to be "skinny" i would like to keep some thickness about it seems reasonable.

i notice that since i am eating healthier and reading labels and such i get pretty hungry failry quickly. its iek the healthy food burns off quicker...i belilve i need to up my fiber...isn't that suppose to help with that?

i cant imagine the carnage that you must see on a regular basis....i would have cried too...years ago, while in high school, i wanted go into forensic pathology...then i thought about the death...the dead bodies...the possibilities of have children lie on my table...and i thought better of it.