Thursday, March 1, 2007

Blogger for life.

I found this picture and it inspired me so I thought Id put it up. Ive always wanted to go jogging but have never felt confident enough to do it. Somehow, when I imagine myself even just jogging down the street, I can hear people yelling rude things out their car windows and it scares me so much that I just never even try.
Well, that has to stop. Oh dont get me wrong, I am not saying that I am going to become an all star jogger starting tomorrow at the crack of dawn, but I am definitely going to continue the walking and hopefully that will build up my confidence enough to start jogging. You think? Is that too optimistic? LOL :) Optimistic, schmoptomistic, I really want to jog. Put that down on the list of things I want to do before I die. But how does one even manage to start? Do you just run from one tree to the next? Help!
So my leg is much better! Still a little sore but not nearly as bad as it was these past couple of days where I was limping with every step that I took. Finally last night, I took some Ibuprofen and just sat on the recliner and stayed off of it. I woke up this morning and I was so grateful. I took TWO, count them, TWO walks today! It seems like such a baby step, I know, but its such a big deal for me. Although meal wise, it could have been better, but I can feel myself getting there. My food intake today consisted of A chicken quesadilla(homemade and the chicken was grilled, not fried.) and a small, very small, like we're talking CRUMBS portion of tortilla chips and salsa and then for dinner, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on whole wheat bread and a glass of 2% reduced fat milk. (Someone wanna tally that up for me? LOL) So it was kind of bad, but GREAT in comparison to my diet previously from today. Small steps, people, small steps.
And is it just me or does the scale even seem to have an attitude when you weigh yourself on it? I feel like my scale SNIDELY tells me I weigh 238 pounds, like it says it with a smirk. Call me crazy, but I swear I can hear its little taunts. Im going to have to befriend that little thing.
Ok so tonight, Im feeling pretty confident that there shant be any late snacking. Cross your fingers!
UPDATE: Just did 32 minutes on the elliptical, resistance set at 3, 350 calories out of my system!


TrixieBelden said...

Hey there, I just found your blog. I've only read one post, but I really like your style. Sounds like you had a good day. I definitely think you'll jog someday. I used to be afraid to walk down a busy street in a city I used to live in for fear people would look at me funny because I wasn't thin - that was 10 years ago and I was at most 160 pounds - not thin, but definitely much less than I am now (189) and what I was when I decided to start losing weight (223). I used to walk down a side street instead. Never let body image prevent you from reaching your goals. Life is worth living, not hiding. :)

PB - AFineBalance said...

Hi there, like your blog. I sometimes feel that way at the gym. I think about "the view" that folks get from behing when I'm
working it out on the EFX. Unpleasant I'm sure. Then I think if I keep going the back view can only get better :-). Jog on girl!!


Tigerlilly said...

Hey! Sounds like you are getting in the right mind set!!

As for the running.. everyone I know who has gone from dreaming about running.. to actually doing it.. started by using this

Its the Couch to 5K program... take a look.. it might help. I wish I could run, but with 2 things I can barely call knees.. its not possible. Oh well.

Have a great day! TGIF

djw said...

Hey there! Best place to start with jogging is to start walking and it sounds like you're doing just that!!! When I work out with my ever active sister, she usually takes me through intervals of speedwalking and jogging. We'd do the intervals through the neighborhood and use the electric posts or trees as a guide...walk for two posts...jog for one... I did that with her for about 6-8 weeks and lost 10 lbs! 'Course I gained it all back since. But I'll see if I can incorporate one of those sessions into my coming week and give you some virtual company!!!